What is the Digital Markets Act?
The Digital Markets Act (DMA) is an EU regulation that aims to create fairer and a more competitive market. It regulates “gatekeepers” which are large online platforms providing “core platform services” such as operating systems, search engines and app stores.
The DMA establishes criteria for designating platforms as gatekeepers and imposes obligations and prohibitions on them. The EU Commission officially designated six gatekeepers: Alphabet (Google), Amazon, Apple, Meta, Microsoft and ByteDance. Gatekeepers must allow third-party interoperability, provide access to data, and refrain from favouring their own services over competing third-party rivals.
- November 01, 2022 – DMA enters into force
- May 02, 2023 – DMA becomes applicable
- September 06, 2023 – Gatekeepers designated
- March 2024 – Compliance deadline for Gatekeepers