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How to Change Organization Name or Site Details?

Last updated on March 20, 2024


Account owner permission is required to change organizations name and site details.

You can change your Organization’s name or edit the information associated with your Site, including its name and URL.

How to Change my Organization’s name? 

Step 1:From the CookieYes Dashboard, navigate to the Profile icon in the top-right corner and click Organizations & Sites from the drop-down. Step 2:Click on the three-dot menu to the right side of the Organization and select Edit organization name from the drop-down. Step 3:Enter the new Organization name and click the Save changes button.

How to Change the Site Details?

Change the Site URL

Warning:  Updating the URL will impact the functionality of the banner currently installed on the site.

Step 1:From the CookieYes Dashboard, navigate to the Profile icon in the top-right corner and click Organizations & Sites from the drop-down. Step 2:Click on the three-dot menu to the right side of the Site URL and select Edit Site URL from the drop-down. Step 3:Update the Site URL and click the Save Changes button.


After updating the URL, be sure to complete the following steps:

  1. Add the banner installation code to the new site: Refer to our installation guide to properly integrate the banner code into the new site.
  2. Scan the new site for cookies: Follow the instructions outlined in our guide to thoroughly scan the new site for cookies and ensure compliance with privacy regulations.
  3. Enable Renew User Consent: Refer to our guide to enable this feature, ensuring compliance and maintaining proper functionality.

Change the Site Name

Step 1:From the CookieYes Dashboard, navigate to the Profile icon in the top-right corner and click Organizations & Sites from the drop-down. Step 2:Click on the three-dot menu to the right side of the Site URL and select Edit Site name from the drop-down.
Edit site name
Step 3:Update the Site name and click the Save Changes button.
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