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Integrating GCM v2 with HubSpot using CookieYes GTM Template

Last updated on December 14, 2024

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on how to integrate GCM v2 on HubSpot using the CookieYes GTM Template. This step-by-step tutorial will walk you through the process of setting up Google Consent Mode v2 on your HubSpot website, ensuring proper functionality and compliance with privacy regulations.

Set up CookieYes Account

For New Users:

  1. Create a CookieYes Account:
    Create a CookieYes account using your HubSpot website’s URL.
  2. Customise Your Cookie Banner:
    • Select your Banner Language.
    • Choose a Layout and Colour that suits your website design.
    • Click Next Step to proceed.
  3. Choose Installation Method:
    On the setup screen, select Install with Google Tag Manager as your installation method.
installation method

You can customise the consent banner according to your website’s requirements.

For Existing Users:

  1. Log in to CookieYes:
    Log in to your CookieYes account using your existing credentials.
  2. Remove the CookieYes Script:
    Ensure you remove the existing CookieYes script from your website.
  3. Ensure Google Consent Mode is enabled.
    By default, the Basic Consent Mode feature is enabled. If you have previously disabled it, follow these steps to turn it back on:
    • Navigate to CookieYes Dashboard > Advanced Settings.
    • In Advanced Settings, toggle the button (to the right) labelled “Support GCM“ to enable the Basic Consent Mode.

Setting Up the CookieYes GTM Template

Step 1: Create an Account
  1. Sign Up for a Google Tag Manager account 
  2. Set up a container for your website.
Save tag
Step 2: Add CookieYes CMP Template
  1. Navigate to the container Dashboard and click Tags > New to create a new tag.

    Tag Creation
  2. Name the tag, then click Tag Configuration > Discover more tag types in the Community Template Gallery.

    tag configuration

    discover more tag type
  3. Search for CookieYes CMP.
  4. Select the CookieYes CMP template and click Add to workspace > Add to add it to your GTM installation.

    add to workspace
Step 3: Configure CookieYes Tag

Insert the CookieYes website key, set other fields to appropriate values, and save the tag after naming it.

Tag Configurationn

Insert the CookieYes Website Key

For New User:

  1. Head back to the CookieYes setup screen and locate the Website Key.
  2. Click the Copy key button to copy the Website Key to your clipboard.
  3. In the GTM account, paste the copied key into this field labelled Website Key.

    copy key

For Existing User

  1. Head back to the CookieYes account.
  2. Go to Advanced Settings and click Get Installation Code.

    Advanced Setting
  3. In the modal, click Install with Google Tag Manager > Copy code.

    Copy code from advance settings
  4. In the GTM account, paste the copied key into this field labelled Website Key.

Set Default Consent Settings

  1. Click Add Setting.
  2. Select Enabled/Disabled from the drop-down for each cookie category based on your requirements.
  3. Set the Region by entering the ISO-standardized (ISO 3166-2) codes for the regions you intend to geo-target. If you do not want to geo-target specific regions, enter All in the Regions field. Refer to the ISO 3166-2 standard for appropriate region codes.
  4. Click Add.


Set the trigger

  • Choose Consent Initialization – All Pages as the firing trigger. This ensures the tag activates before any other tags.

    Consent Initialization
Step 4:Publish Changes
  1. Click Save to complete the integration of CookieYes with the Google Consent Mode.

    Save tag
  2. Click Submit and Publish to Publish your Container version.

    Submit Container

 Integrate GCM In HubSpot

Step 1:Access HubSpot Dashboard
  1. Log in to your HubSpot Account.
  2. Click on the Settings icon located in the main navigation bar at the top of the screen.

    Settings icon
  3. In the left sidebar menu, scroll down to Tools and click Content > Pages.

    Tool Menu
  4. Step 3: In the Pages section, open the Choose a domain to edit its settings dropdown menu and select a domain for which you want to integrate CookieYes. [if you want to apply the same code to all HubSpot-hosted content, choose Default settings for all domains.]

    Select Domain
Step 2:Add GTM Code
  1. After selecting the domain, navigate to the Templates tab and locate the HTML Section.

  2. Obtain the GTM Script.
    1. Head back to the Google Tag Manager Account and Click the Container ID.
    2. Copy the script.

      GTM Script
  3. Now, paste the first part of the GTM code (the one that goes in the <head> section) into the Site header HTML section of Hubspot account.

    Paste code in header
  4. Paste the second part of the GTM code (the one that goes after the opening <body> tag) code in the Site footer HTML section.

    paste code - footer
  5. Click the Save button.

    Save Button
  6. Now, head back to your GTM account, click Submit and then Publish to finalise the setup.

Verify GCM Integration

For both new and existing users, follow these steps to verify GCM integration on your website:

  1. If you are a new user, first verify the cookie banner installation:
    • Go to the CookieYes setup screen and click Verify.
    • You will see the message: “You have successfully implemented a cookie banner on your site!”

      Verify Implementation
  2. After verifying the banner or if you’re an existing user, proceed to verify GCM:
    • Go to Dashboard > Advanced Settings.
    • Scroll to the Google Consent Mode (GCM) section.
    • Click Check now next to Check GCM status to run the configuration check.

      Verify GCM

If the configuration is correct, you will see a success message stating, ‘No error detected’. If you encounter any error after running this check, refer to our GCM Troubleshooting Guide to resolve them and check again.

To further confirm the setup is correct, follow the steps in our Verification Documentation.

Setting Advanced Consent Mode in GCM

To set Advance Consent Mode, follow the below set:

  1. Navigate to CookieYes Dashboard > Advanced Settings.
  2. To set up Advanced Consent Mode in GCM, toggle the button (to the right) labelled “Allow Google tags to fire before consent”.

  3. Now, go back to your GTM account, click Submit, and thePublish to reflect the change on your website.

Enabling only the Support GCM option implements basic functionality, firing only allowed tags based on user consent. When you also activate Allow Google tags to fire before consent, it ensures Google tags fire even before the user consents to the banner, but they operate without setting cookies until the user provides consent. This balance allows for some data collection while respecting user privacy choices.

Help Guide

For detailed information on the Basic and Advanced Consent Mode v2 in CookieYes, refer to the Basic vs Advanced Consent Mode v2 documentation.


By following these steps, you will have integrated Google Consent Mode with your HubSpot website using CookieYes CMP. You can complete your website scanning from the CookieYes Dashboard and explore further customizations and features.

For further assistance, our dedicated GCM support team are here to assist you.

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