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Block Third-Party Cookies With Tag Manager (GTM)

Last updated on November 19, 2024

CookieYes automatically blocks third-party cookies on your website prior to obtaining user consent. However, if you’re using Google Tag Manager to add third-party scripts to your website, you may want to block cookies set via GTM that have not been consented to use. For this, you will have to create an appropriate custom event trigger in your GTM account. Here’s an example of blocking third-party cookies with Google Tag Manager.

For blocking third-party cookies with google tag manager in the new version(Single Cookie) of CookiesYes refer to our guide

Creating a custom event trigger in GTM

The following are the steps to create a custom event trigger in Google Tag Manager that helps CookieYes block third-party cookie scripts on your website (set via GTM) prior to receiving user consent.

For better understanding, throughout this guide, let’s consider the case of blocking a Functional cookie script (added to your GTM account) until you obtain user consent.

Step 1: Create a user-defined variable

  1. Sign in to your Google Tag Manager account > Click the required Container Name from your Accounts.
  2. From the left panel, select Variables > In the User-Defined Variables section, click New.

  3. Click Variable Configuration > Choose variable type as 1st Party Cookie from under Page Variables.

    GTM variable configuration

    Note: 1st Party Cookie variable allows Google Tag Manager to access the first-party cookies created by your website.

    Cookies installed by the site — displayed under the Application tab of the Developer console

  4. In the Cookie Name text box, enter the name of that cookie for which you need to retrieve the value. E.g. cookieyes-functional
  5. Name the variable (here, we’ve named it ‘Live Chat Trigger Variable’) and click Save to save the variable.

    GTM-Saving Trigger Variable

Step 2: Create a custom event trigger

  1. From the left panel of your GTM account, select Triggers > In the Triggers section, click New.

    GTM new trigger
  2. Click Trigger Configuration > Choose Custom Event as the trigger type.

    GTM custom event trigger
  3. In the Event Name text box, enter .* as shown below and check the Use regex matching option.

    GTM name trigger event
  4. Under This trigger fires on, choose Some Custom Events.
  5. Under Fire this trigger when an Event occurs and all of these conditions are true, set up a trigger condition.
    e.g. Live Chat Trigger Variable (i.e. the name of the user-defined variable that you have created in Step 1), equals, and yes (as shown below).

    GTM custom event trigger
  6. Name the Trigger (we’ve named it ‘Live Chat Trigger’) and click Save to save the custom event trigger.

Step 3: Add the custom event trigger to the required custom HTML tag

  1. From the left panel of your GTM account, select Tags > Click the Tag name that needs to be fired.

    GTM tags
  2. Click Triggering.

    GTM tags triggering
  3. Choose the custom event trigger that you have created in Step 2.

    GTM tags choose a trigger
  4. Click Save.

    GTM save trigger

Step 4: Submit changes

  1. Click the Submit button at the top right corner of your GTM account.

    GTM submit tag
  2. Finally, click Publish to make this tag live on your website.

    GTM publish tag

Once you have done these steps, your site visitors will not have Functional cookies running in the background after enabling Analytics cookies and disabling Functional cookies.

Now, take a look at your website’s active cookies before and after adding the custom event trigger in GTM.

Website's active cookies Before adding the custom event trigger in GTM
Before adding the custom event trigger in GTM
Website's active cookies After adding the custom event trigger in GTM
After adding the custom event trigger in GTM

This is how you can block cookies with Google Tag Manager.

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