Pageview Pricing
What are pageviews?
A pageview is every instance when someone views a page on a website. Each time a webpage is loaded or reloaded on your website, we count it as a pageview.
How is pageview calculated?
A CookieYes pageview is registered every instance when a webpage containing the CookieYes code is loaded during a browsing session. Known bot traffic will be excluded from the count of pageviews.
Are pageviews counted even if the visitor doesn’t click on the cookie banner?
Yes, we count all pageviews on a website whether or not a website visitor clicks or interacts with the cookie banner.
What is the difference between pageviews and user sessions?
Pageviews refer to the number of times the web pages have been loaded or reloaded, regardless of the time spent by users on them. On the other hand, user sessions refer to the time spent by users on a website before exiting it. User sessions may also include multiple pageviews as the users navigate through different pages on the website.
Why does CookieYes use pageview-based pricing?
- Pageview-based pricing is a simple way to offer pricing that complements the value CookieYes delivers.
- You will be able to select a plan based on your custom needs (your website size and the traffic it generates).
When does the pageview count reset?
The pageviews will reset at the beginning of each monthly billing cycle, starting from the date when the website was registered with CookieYes. Your CookieYes plan and the respective billing amount will remain the same.
What happens if I reach the pageview limit?
When you reach your monthly pageview limit, you will be notified on the Dashboard. You will also get email notifications about the approaching plan limit. You can check your pageview usage at all times on your CookieYes Dashboard.
Please note that when you reach your monthly pageview limit, your cookie banner will no longer be displayed on your website. To resume displaying the banner, you need to upgrade to a plan with a higher pageview limit.
How will I calculate my monthly pageviews?
You can sign up for a plan based on an approximate estimation of your website’s pageviews. Once the CookieYes code is installed on your website, we will track your pageviews and display them on your CookieYes Dashboard.
To get a rough estimate of your monthly pageviews, you may check any analytics tool. For Google Analytics, follow the steps below:
- Log into your Google Analytics account.
- Click on Audience from the left-side panel, then select Overview.
- Set the date range to one month. (Choose a high-traffic month).
- Scroll down and you can see the Pageviews of your website for that month. (Your pageview count may be affected if you are already using a cookie consent banner).
Why do my analytics show fewer pageviews despite my website exceeding the CookieYes pageviews limit?
Please note that when you add the CookieYes cookie banner to a website, it will only enable analytics tracking for users who have accepted the cookies set by the third-party analytics service. Additionally, if you use any exclude filters in Google Analytics, any data that meets the criteria of the filter will not be included in the website’s analytics data, leading to underreported pageviews. Therefore, it is possible for your website to have more pageviews than what is being reported in your analytics.
When will the banner reappear on my website once it is suspended?
The banner will reappear on your website once you upgrade to a higher plan. Or, you will have to wait till the beginning of the next monthly billing cycle for the pageviews to reset.
How will pageview pricing affect existing users?
All the existing free plan and paid plan users will move to pageview-based pricing from their first billing date after January 01, 2023.
As an example, from your first billing date after January 01, 2023, your Pro monthly plan will give you 300,000 pageviews per month.
If you are a free plan user, from your first billing date after October 15, 2024, you will get 15,000 pageviews per month.
How are pageviews available for agency subscriptions?
Each domain receives pageviews according to the chosen plan for that domain.