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Free Privacy Policy Generator for any website

Create a professional and custom privacy policy for your website with our Free Privacy Policy Generator in just 2 minutes.

100% free privacy policy Generate instantly No email/signup required

Generate a free privacy policy

#2 Easiest-to-use Privacy Policy Generator by G2

Powering 1.5 million+ websites for privacy compliance

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How do I create a free privacy policy for my website?

Create a free privacy policy for your website in minutes with our Free Privacy Policy Generator.

Head to Privacy Policy Generator

Answer the questionnaire accurately

Preview and generate your privacy policy

And, you’re done! ⚡️

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Inform users about your cookie usage and obtain prior consent to be legally compliant.

Privacy Policy Generator

Create a custom privacy policy for a website or app in a matter of minutes.

Cookie Policy Generator

Create a custom, auto-updating cookie policy with a detailed cookie audit list.

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What does the Privacy Policy Generator cover?

Our Free Privacy Policy Generator has a pre-built privacy policy template that covers the following sections:

  • Information on company and website: Basic information about your business such as name, website and location.
  • Collection of data: Information about the kind of personal information that is collected from your users.
  • Use and disclosure of data: Disclosure of the purpose for which you collect personal information from your users.
  • Tracking technologies: Disclosure of tracking technologies that you may be using such as cookies.
  • Data protection: Information about how users can contact you for data protection or privacy-related purposes.

Frequently asked questions

Yes. The CookieYes Privacy Policy Generator is free to use. You can generate a custom privacy policy for your business at no cost.

No signup or email is required. Simply answer a questionnaire, generate your policy and copy-paste your policy to your website.

You can create a simple privacy policy for your business with our Free Privacy Policy Generator. All you have to do is, answer the simple questionnaire and generate your unique privacy policy.

You cannot copy and paste the privacy policy of another website or business. Copying and pasting another company’s privacy policy without permission can be considered copyright infringement and is illegal.

You need to create a unique privacy policy that includes specific details and disclosure about your business. For this, you can use our Free Privacy Policy Generator. You will answer a simple questionnaire and generate a custom privacy policy for your website. You can copy the document as text or HTML and add it to your website.

A privacy policy is a statement or notice on a website that communicates with your users how it collects, uses, shares, stores, and protects their data.

The privacy policy page also mentions the various measures you have taken to comply with the industrial and ethical standards. It also includes how users can change their preferences regarding data collection and use.

Privacy regulations like the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) require a website to be transparent about how it processes its users’ personal data (customers and visitors). The users have the right to know how their data is being collected and handled by the website. So, to be GDPR and CCPA compliant, you must add a privacy policy to your website.

Yes, our Free Privacy Policy Generator is safe to use. Our lawyer-approved privacy policy template can be customised to align with your business and the laws you must comply with.

We are also compliant with data privacy regulations like the GDPR and CCPA and only process your data in accordance with the laws.

Yes, using a reputable Privacy Policy Generator like ours to create a privacy policy for your website is a legally compliant and common practice.

When using our Free Privacy Policy Generator for your website, make sure the information you provide accurately reflects how you collect, use, and protect user data. Once generated, you can customise it to fit your specific business needs.

Privacy regulations such as the GDPR in the EU, CCPA/CPRA in California, LGPD in Brazil and others have strict requirements for businesses to have a privacy policy if they collect and process personal data from users. Non-compliance with these requirements could lead to legal risks.

Often laws that apply to your business, may depend on the location of your users. If you have users from different regions, you may need to comply with multiple sets of privacy regulations. Therefore, it is best practice to have a privacy policy page on your website to mitigate any legal risks for your business.

Ideally, you should place the privacy policy where the users can easily access it. Most often, your website header or footer is the perfect area to include the policy link.

While requesting consent to collect personal data, you must disclose information about how you intend to use and process the data. Therefore, it is important to add the link in such places, so that they are aware of what happens to their data before consenting. E.g. you can provide the link to the privacy policy on your cookie banner.

Article 13 of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) lists the necessary information one must provide if they collect personal data from the users.

These include:

  • Information about the website – website administrator/company’s contact details, such as phone number, mailing address, and email address. Other information like what purpose your website serves can also be provided.
  • Information about data collection and processing – You must disclose what type of personal data you collect, how and why you collect it, and where you store and share it. If you share data with third-party services, you must provide that information in the privacy policy.
  • Information about data protection and user rights – You must explain how the users can contact you to exercise their data protection rights such as to access, object to processing, or delete their data from your database.
  • Changes to the privacy policy – You must inform the users of any changes made to the privacy policy along with the new effective dates.

You can use our GDPR Privacy Policy Generator to generate a privacy policy that fulfils these requirements.

For CCPA/CPRA compliance, the requirements for privacy policy are similar to the GDPR. You must disclose the following information in the privacy policy:

  • The categories of personal information (same as personal data) collected from the users.
  • The categories of sources of collecting the personal information.
  • The purpose for collecting or selling personal information.
  • The categories of third parties with whom you share personal information.
  • The various rights of consumers.
  • Contact details or methods to exercise the CCPA/CPRA rights.

The privacy policy must be updated every 12 months or whenever there is a change in your business practices.

You can use our Privacy Policy Page Generator to generate a privacy policy that fulfils these requirements.

You can use our Free Privacy Policy Generator for Blogger to create a custom privacy policy for your website. Simply answer the questionnaire in our pre-built privacy policy template and hit generate, your policy will be ready in no time. You can then copy-paste the policy to your privacy policy page.

You can also access our help guides to create a privacy policy page on your website

A privacy policy discloses general information related to all data processes. A cookie policy is a disclosure of the use of cookies on your website. A privacy policy may also include a cookie policy as a specific section. It is up to you to decide whether you want to include the cookie policy in the privacy policy or make a separate page for it.

To create a custom cookie policy, you can try our Free Cookie Policy Generator.

Create your free privacy policy now

Generate a free privacy policy