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Free Cookie Policy Generator for any website

Generate a custom cookie policy for your website with our free cookie policy generator. Use our pre-built template and get a cookie policy in minutes!

GDPR (EU & UK) CCPA/CPRA (California) VCDPA (Virginia) PIPEDA (Canada) LGPD (Brazil) CTDPA (Connecticut) CPA (Colorado) UCPA (Utah) PDPL (Argentina) POPIA (South Africa) nFADP (Switzerland) DPA (Faroe Island) Privacy Act (Australia) PDPA (Singapore) PDPL (Saudi Arabia)

Generate a free cookie policy

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Powering 1.5 million+ websites for privacy compliance

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How do I create a cookie policy?

Sign up for free

Sign up to run an in-depth scan of your website. You can then set up a cookie banner on your website or skip the steps and head to our Dashboard.

Generate your cookie policy

Use our pre-built cookie policy template, customise it if needed and generate your free cookie policy with a detailed cookie list.

Add policy on your website

You can copy/paste the text or HTML and add it to your website. Your cookie list in the policy will be auto-updated after every website scan!

Features of our
Free Cookie Policy Generator

Future-proof your cookie policy for up-to-date compliance, with our advanced features!

Generate a free cookie policy

Custom cookie policy template

Our free cookie policy generator provides a pre-built cookie policy template, that is legally compliant. All you have to do is customise it if needed.

Detailed cookie declaration

Our advanced scanner will scan and automatically categorize all the cookies detected into a list with the name, category, domain, duration and description of each cookie.

Auto-updating cookie policy

You needn’t manually update your cookie list. Once you schedule monthly scans, your cookie policy will be automatically updated for new cookies discovered.

Watch how the Free Cookie Policy Generator works

The video is less than 1 minute

Websites around the word trust us for compliance

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“CookieYes solves the struggle for being GDPR compliant regarding privacy policy, cookie policy and having a cookie consent popup.”

5 out of 5 rating

“If you don’t have a privacy and cookie policy yet, in literally a few steps, you will create simple but functional and legally appropriate documents to copy and place on your website.”

What does my cookie policy include?

Your cookie policy will inform website visitors of your usage of cookies. It will consist of the following sections:

This section includes a brief description of what cookies are and why they are used.

This section outlines what first-party and third-party cookies are and for what purposes they are used by your website.

You will also find a detailed cookie declaration or cookie list. It will indicate all the cookies identified, their categories, the domain that sets them, their duration and a description of their purpose.

This section informs your visitors about how they can change cookie preferences on your website. It also outlines how to manage and delete cookies from major web browsers.

Note: Your cookie policy will feature a ‘Cookie Settings’ button. When a visitor clicks on it, a ‘Preference Center’ will open where they can change their cookie settings or withdraw their consent.

Frequently asked questions

A website’s cookie policy is a detailed declaration about the cookies and trackers used on a website, how these cookies are used, what data they track, what purpose, and how users can modify the cookies set by a website on their browser.

Privacy regulations like the GDPR in the EU and CCPA/CPRA in Califonia, provide users the right to know how their personal data is collected and processed by businesses. Personal data includes information that can be obtained from cookies. Cookie policies are disclosures that help websites inform users about their usage of cookies.

In GDPR, businesses are not only required to have a cookie policy but are required to display cookie consent banners and obtain consent before dropping cookies on a browser. Websites should supplement cookie banners with a detailed, GDPR-compliant cookie policy.

CCPA/CPRA-compliant websites must include a California-specific privacy policy on their websites, including a section on cookies. While the US does not strictly mandate a separate cookie policy, if your website uses third-party cookies, or caters to EU users, it is best to have one.

Yes, our Cookie Policy Generator is free. You can generate a custom cookie policy with a detailed cookie disclosure absolutely free of cost. You will need to sign up to initiate an in-depth scan and generate your custom cookie policy.

It is recommended that you use a lawyer-approved cookie policy on your website. You can do that by using our Free Cookie Policy Generator. Our pre-built cookie policy template is lawyer-approved and also meets compliance standards required for privacy laws like the GDPR and CCPA.

Once you have generated your cookie policy, you can customise the cookie policy or add more details if needed. Ensure that you use clear and straightforward language while customising your policy.

You can generate a custom cookie policy for your website with our Free Cookie Policy Generator for WordPress.

Follow the guide: How to Add a Cookie Policy to WordPress

You can create a custom cookie policy for your website with our Free Cookie Policy Generator for Shopify.

Users in the EU have the right to be informed about how their personal data is being processed according to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Therefore, cookie policies are required under the GDPR to inform website visitors about how and why a business uses cookies.

Cookies are categorised as ‘online identifiers’ in the GDPR. Other types of tracking technologies such as pixel trackers, web beacons, and social share buttons are also classified as online identifiers and therefore are considered a part of personal data. Hence, they are subject to the GDPR obligations for processing personal data.

A GDPR-compliant cookie policy should include the following information in plain, easy-to-understand language:

  • Describe what cookies are and why they are used
  • Details of the types of cookies used by your site, their purposes and duration
  • How-to on opting out of cookies or changing cookie consent preferences

Try our Free Cookie Policy Generator for GDPR and generate a custom cookie policy in no time!

A cookie policy may be required in the US, depending on the state privacy law that your business needs to comply with.

The use of cookies and the collection of user data are subject to various privacy regulations, such as the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) and Virginia’s Consumer Data Protection Act. These laws grant users the right to be informed about the processing of their personal data.

It is therefore considered a best practice to have a cookie policy for your website. You can also add the cookie policy as part of your privacy policy or be published as an independent policy on your website.

Display a link to your cookie policy on your website’s footer, so that it is accessible from every page of your site. On a mobile app, display your cookies policy in the menu, under the ‘About’ or ‘Legal’ sections.

If you have visitors from the EU & UK, you are required to comply with GDPR and display a cookie consent banner. For best practices, you can also link your cookie policy on your cookie consent banner so users can be easily directed to the cookie policy page.

A cookie policy is a legal document or disclosure on a website that explains how the website uses cookies and similar tracking technologies. It provides detailed information about the types of cookies used, their purposes, how long they are stored, and who has access to the collected data.

A cookie banner is a pop-up or notification that usually appears on a user’s first visit to a website. It informs them about the website’s use of cookies and requests for the user’s consent to set them on their browser. Under privacy laws like the GDPR, a cookie banner is mandatory before the website sets any cookies that are not strictly necessary.

With CookieYes, you can implement a cookie banner and generate a free cookie policy for your website under one roof!

Create a custom, auto-updating
cookie policy now

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